Lin CUI (崔林)

Professor (教授、博导)
Director of AntLab (暨南大学先进网络实验室AntLab)
Department of Computer Science
College of Information Science and Technology
Jinan University
(暨南大学 信息科学技术学院 计算机科学系)
E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected]
Address: Room 435-4, Nanhai Building, Jinan University, No. 601 Huangpu Road West, Guangzhou, China
(广州市 天河区 黄埔大道西601号 暨南大学 南海楼435-4室)
About me
I am currently a professor at Department of Computer Science, College of Information Science and Technology / College of Cyber Security, Jinan University (JNU). Prior to joining JNU, I obtained my Ph.D. in Computer Science from City University of Hong Kong (CityU) in 2013, supervised by Prof. Prof. Weijia JIA. Before that, I received the B.Eng. from Shandong University (SDU) in 2007 and M.Eng. from Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT) in 2009.
Research Interests
I have broad interests in networking systems, with focuses on the following topics: programmable data plane, intelligent networks (AI & Networking), in-network computing, software defined networking (SDN), congestion control and cloud data center networking.
01/2025: New!Our paper of Monte has been accepted to IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS) (CCF推荐A类)!
12/2024: New!Our paper of CNN on Tofino ASIC has been accepted to IEEE INFOCOM 2025 (CCF推荐A类)!
11/2024: New!Our paper on CC in DCN has been accepted to Computer Networks (CCF推荐B类)!
06/2024: Our paper on DNN partition and offloading has been accepted to Computer Networks (CCF推荐B类)!
06/2024: Our paper on locality-sensitive flow classification has been accepted to Computer Networks (CCF推荐B类)!
04/2024: Our paper on OpenFlow over QUIC has been accepted to Journal of Network and Computer Applications (JCNA)!
02/2024: Our paper of Neural Networks on programmable switches has been accepted to IEEE Communication Magazine!
12/2023: Our paper on In-Network Computing has been accepted to IEEE INFOCOM 2024 (CCF推荐A类)!
10/2023: Our paper on INT optimization (OffsetINT) has been accepted to IEEE Transactions on Services Computing (TSC) (CCF推荐A类)!
06/2023: Our paper on HTTP/3 optimization has been accepted to Computer Networks (CCF推荐B类)!
04/2023: We have one paper accepted to EdgeSys 2023!
03/2023: We have one paper accepted to Computer Networks (CCF推荐B类)! Congratulations to Zijie Zeng!
02/2023: We have one paper accepted to IEEE Transactions on Services Computing (TSC) (CCF推荐A类)! Congratulations to Xiaoquan Zhang!
01/2023: We have one paper accepted to IEEE Transactions on Services Computing (TSC) (CCF推荐A类)! Congratulations to Xiaoquan Zhang!
09/2022: We have one paper accepted to Digital Communications and Networks! Congratulations to Wenjie Liang and Chengxiang Li!
08/2022: The source code of our work dDrops for silent packet drops detection on programmable dataplane is publicly released on Github!
07/2022: We have one paper accepted to Computer Networks (CCF推荐B类)! Congratulations to Hongxin Zeng!
07/2022: We have one paper accepted to Computer Networks (CCF推荐B类)! Congratulations to Mimi Qian!
05/2022: Our recent papers on SFCs have bee accepted to ISCC and Computer Networks!
02/2022: We have one paper accepted to IEEE/ACM CCGrid 2022 (CCF推荐会议)! Congratulations to Xiaoquan Zhang!
01/2022: We have one paper accepted to Journal of Systems Architecture (CCF推荐B类)! Congratulations to Wenjie Liang!
12/2021: The source code of our work pHeavy for heavy hitter prediction on programmable dataplane is publicly released on Github!
09/2021: We have one paper accepted to Digital Communications and Networks! Congratulations to Duo Wu!
06/2021: We have one paper accepted to IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM)! Congratulations to Xiaoquan!
01/2021: Our new book (《云计算网络与安全》) is published!
10/2020: We have one paper accepted to Elsevier Computer Networks (CCF推荐B类)! Congratulations to Xiaoquan Zhang!
02/2020: We have one paper accepted to IEEE Communication Magazine!